In the News

How GPS Tracking Helps Business Owners Maximize Operational Efficiencies

When you run a small to mid-size enterprise, you become a master juggler. Your days are filled with an array of disparate tasks that require several skill sets and loads of patience. While many entrepreneurs go into business to specialize in their trade, it’s...

5 Immediate Benefits That Result from Installing GPS Tracking Devices

Small fleets often face the same challenges as their bigger counterparts and require the same level of innovation. Thankfully, GPS trackers are now made (by us) to specifically address the challenges of small to mid-size fleets...

What to Consider When Selecting a GPS Tracking Service

A GPS tracking solution can provide you with greater visibility into how your fleet operates, but how to evaluate a provider isn’t always so clear. That’s why we recommend you focus on these nine key areas...

GPS: Who Developed It, How it Works and What’s Coming Next

While the rise of smartphones helped GPS technology to become ubiquitous, it existed long before Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone. And though GPS tech is primarily known for its ability to help drivers find the shortest route to a destination, it was developed for something else entirely...

How GPS Tracking Helps to Reduce Staff Turnover

According to the American Transportation Research Institute (ATRI), driver retention is one of the top issues facing the logistics industry. So when adding GPS trackers to your fleet, you’ll want to sell monitoring as something that benefits your employees as well. Fortunately, tracking devices can lead to positive outcomes for them, too...

3 Common Mistakes That Businesses Make After Installing GPS Trackers

When using GPS tracking technology to optimize your fleet’s efficiency, there are several key considerations to weigh. The real value inherent to GPS trackers lies in the software that powers them. The data captured and presented by GPS trackers can be immense and potentially...

Plug-and-Play GPS Trackers: On-Board Diagnostics Explained

Our first two products — Ace and Max — both plug directly into your vehicle’s OBD port under the steering column.
When you know where to look, it’s a simple installation process that takes just a few seconds. But before we get ahead of ourselves… what in the world is ‘OBD’ and why does it have its own port? ...